Code of Conduct

«The ability to maintain
or support a process over time»

Tunnel Support commits to promote Sustainability as described by three core concepts: economic, environmental, and social. 

As a part of this, we are also obliged to adhere to the Transparency Act in Norway (Åpenhetsloven) . The Transparency Act shall promote enterprises’ respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, and ensure that the general public has access to information about how enterprises address adverse impacts on human rights and working conditions. 

The act applies to larger enterprises that are resident in Norway, and larger enterprises that offer goods and services to us are liable to tax to Norway. 

According to the Act, these enterprises shall carry out due diligence assessments, and publish the results of these assessments. The enterprises also have a duty to provide information to the general public upon request. 

Your request can be e-mailed to:, titled “Review – Transparency Act”.